Driving school change


Short information:

You researched carefully before choosing the driving school, but you may be unlucky with your choice and wish to change driving school. That doesn't necessarily have to be the driving school itself. Sometimes you just don't get along with the other students or with your driving instructor. However, you should always be aware that this situation is not uncommon and is in no way a failure, and changing driving schools should be well planned. It is therefore important that you inform yourself in good time. We recognize the services you have provided in the previous driving school. It is best to discuss the intended change with both the old and the new driving school. So this can be done quickly and easily.

Change driving school: you should note that!

Termination and training certificate

If you want to change your driving school, you must first cancel the training contract with your old driving school.

You can then conclude a new contract with your desired school.

Important: Have your old driving school training certificate issued.

Only this is recognized as proof of theoretical, driving and special driving hours.

After you have signed the new apprenticeship contract, you must go to the driver's license office and have your driver's license application changed for a fee so that you want to continue your apprenticeship at another driving school.

Validity of the training certificate

You will not lose any achievements that you have completed in another driving school.

Your training certificates for theory and practice are valid for two years, but the theory exam itself is only valid for one year. Even if this has expired, you can take another exam without attending the theory class as long as your training certificate is still valid.

So you do not have to repeat training in every case.

We would be happy to take care of the necessary formalities together with you, so you can devote yourself to your driving training.

Practical exam

 Attention: If the driving hours already completed have been recognized, this does not mean that we will send you directly for the practical test. First you have to take at least one hour of driving so that we can get an idea of your driving skills. Depending on what impression we get from your driving experience and how safe you feel yourself, you can either register for the practical test directly or have to take a few driving hours.

up to 6 weeks waiting time

The processing time for a change can take 4 to 6 weeks in some cities.

When is a change possible?

In principle, a driving school change is possible at any time.

We do not charge you any processing costs for a change.

Reasons for a change

  • You do not feel comfortable in your driving school, you have problems and tensions with your driving instructor.
  • You feel like you are not making progress, even though you have been around forever, think you are not learning everything that is really important.
  • You think you are only driving your instructor for a walk or to your goals.
  • You feel not well looked after by your driving school.
  • You already have a lot of driving hours and do not know why your friends and acquaintances have passed with fewer hours.
  • You think your driving school is all about making coal instead of putting your driving training in the foreground.
  • You don't feel respected by your driving instructor.
  • You feel pressured, your fear of the practical test always gets New food.
  • Your theory period is running out or you are about to change location and think your driving instructor doesn't care.
  • You can't find the right link to your driving instructor, you can't really talk to him.
  • You think changing driving schools is not possible or you lose everything in training that you have done so far.

Do you think that changing driving schools is not so easy or costs a lot of money? You are stuck and need help? Then just contact us or visit us during opening hours. We look forward to you!


Contact for a change of driving school

We are happy to hear from from you. Use the contact option of your choice and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We also speak english!

Contact us

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Wenden Sie sich jederzeit an uns!

Jahnallee 25 04109 LeipzigGermany
(+49) 172 4668045
( 49) 341 4213957
Monday:       4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
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