Practice exam


You can take the practical test as soon as you have passed the theory test and completed all the necessary training hours, including the special trips.

The driving instructor will arrange the dates for the practical test with you.

What you absolutely have to take with you to the practical exam:
  • valid personal document
  • Transfer slip
  • Exam documents (bring the driving instructor with you if you submitted them after the theory exam)

Duration of the test:

The examiner determines the duration of the examination. If the driving style is very good and safe, the examiner can shorten the test duration. However, if you commit a gross traffic violation and/or force the driving instructor to intervene, the examiner can immediately stop the test. However, there are minimum time limits:
* Only when upgrading from class A1 to class A2 and class A2 to class A (gradual access with two-year previous ownership and expansion to the next higher class).
unless you have already shown that you are up to the test requirements.

Address - starting point for practical exam:

Autohaus Freydank in Leipzig
Sandberg 30
04178 Leipzig

Bus and train connections:

The stops are all in zone 110

 Bus - Stop: Leipzig, Rückmarsdorf, Bürgeramt (Sandberg)

Bus 131             Angerbrücke / Merseburg
Leipziger transport companies Train central germany
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